Lisa doesn't sleep well these days and is frequently up for brief spells in the middle of the night. Last night was no exception. I have been sleeping like a rock lately (I attribute this to the diet), and I vaguely remember waking up when she got back in the bed after having been up for half an hour. When I got up this morning, she said: "I'm pretty sure the boys caught a mouse last night. So watch out for a mouse corpse."
Sure enough, my boys had caught one. Even my cats are Paleo.
Vito: The Great Black Hunter |
Vito is actually quite slow. I'm surprised he caught this one. Usually Carlito is the mouser.
WARNING: This part of this post is recommended for Crossfit geeks only.
Today I did Lynne, one of Crossfit's Benchmark Girls. I haven't done this workout in over two years. The workout is
5 Rounds for max reps. No time component (unlike most Crossfit workouts).
- Bodyweight Bench Press (165 lbs for me) - 11, 7, 6, 6, 5 = 35 total
- Kipping Pull Ups - 25, 17, 19, 16, 15 = 92 total
I rested roughly 5 minutes between rounds. The bench press was a personal best. The pull ups fell a little short of my previous best. I chose Lynne because my legs are still smoked from the last workout two days ago.